My Other Hobby ~ Resin

Hi everyone, I have no bookish post ready for today. I spent last night doing an arc review to be posted in July and forgot to do something for a Friday post. Sometimes my mind is in just too many places at once – so let me show you what I’ve been working on in my Etsy shop.

I got new mold shapes like this diamond tray.

And here is a pill shaped tray.

These usually sell out in my shop, I love these zodiac trays.
I started my Etsy shop years ago making macrame bracelets, then for a few years was hand stamping metal. So I still make a few pieces for my shop still.

I’ve been working on alphabet tile sets this week because a good friend of mine wants to buy a set for her class. She teaches English in Japan at a preschool if I remember correctly. I’ve been working a few different sets since I’m in the mood. It’s fun making them and demolding them – not so fun when I have to now sand down the edges of like 70+ alphabet letters. 😩 I’ll be doing that today so wish me luck! Not going to lie, hand stamping metal is way easier than making resin pieces, but I love how with resin it’s like painting with color.

If you want to check out my Mother’s Day sale going on in my Etsy shop, click here:

πŸ’• πŸ’•

What are your other hobbies besides reading? Let me know down in the comments! Have a great weekend!

😘 ~ Yolanda

I Have the Flu πŸ˜’

Has it really been five days since my last post? This is what happens when had nothing pre-written but it was a busy week and then bam, Friday morning I woke up with a low grade fever but I knew I felt off. I dropped my son off to school and went straight home because all I wanted to do was sleep. As my temperature rose I had a feeling I had the flu…because of course of all the times I forget getting a flu shot, it’s this year!

So my hubby had to rush home in time to pick up our son from school and hold the fort down while I stayed pretty much bedridden. Ugh…I had no energy to even read. The chills, body aches and headache was the worst! I slept for pretty much two days and then I went to urgent care just to confirm I had the flu and sure enough I do. They gave me Tamiflu and hey…that stuff works. I mean it makes me nauseous and I can only eat toast at this point…but my 103 fever is now down to 99 degrees, so…YAY. And I need to be okay, because my daughter caught the flu from me. 😒 My hubby did bring her right away to the doctor so now she’s on Tamiflu as well and yes…she did get her flu shot a few months ago, so it didn’t help her this time around. I do hope it makes her symptoms less severe than mine. I hate seeing her sick. πŸ’” I’m praying my son doesn’t get it…but most likely he will since he was hanging out with her all day. Unless his vaccine shot really comes through for him! I mean he screamed like a banshee getting it, maybe it will work! πŸ™πŸΌ

So I’m going to take it easy this week, take care of my baby girl and pray she gets better before Christmas. I’ll have a few posts here and there but probably not as much as usual. But know I’m still around! Take care of yourselves! 😘

Random Post – It’s Friday!

I don’t even know why I’m cheering because my weekend is jam packed with events! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

How are you bloggers and readers doing so far? We have only a few more weeks of 2019, are you ready for 2020?

I feel like the weeks are going by so fast! I have birthdays, holiday events to plan, and less time to read or blog, but know that I’m trying my to best to check out all your posts and keep up with all your reviews. 😘

I was feeling a bit of a reading “slump” in the ending of October and not because I couldn’t find anything to read…it’s because I’ve officially read TOO much this year and I think my brain/body is telling me, no more. My yearly average is usually 50-60 books, at least that’s what I’ve tracked on Goodreads for the last few years. But this year because of my blog and wanting to build a following I have now read 178 books….😱, how is that even possible?! And that doesn’t even include all the children’s books I’ve read to my kids all year, only some of them are listed on there. If I minus those from my Goodreads list it still brings it down to maybe 150. My children’s books review blog faltered this year because I was reading so much of everything else.

A few of these books are arcs that publish in 2020 but wow…I’m curious how many books do you usually read in a year? I have a goal to read LESS starting next month because I have too many things to do as is, and am definitely going to have a limit in 2020.

Did you meet your reading goals this year or exceed them? Are you like me and need to read less? How many books do you read a year? Leave me a comment below!

It’s Wednesday…

Happy Wednesday everyone! Can you believe it’s the middle of the week already? Time flies by so quickly! My oldest child is in kindergarten and school ends for him at the end of May. And that thought leads me to another – that we’re also nearing the middle of the year – wait…I’m not ready!

But this also means the last season of Game of Thrones starts in 11 days. My emotions are all over the place for this: excited, happy, nervous, sad, ready, but SO not ready for it to end. 😭 It’s been an amazing run. ❀️

I was engaged to my now-hubby when the first episode aired. Years later, I’m married with two children. My own “dire-wolf” (well husky/Malamute), Sky, just passed in August last year πŸ˜­πŸ’” A lot has happened in my life during this Game of Thrones era. It will be an amazing last season I’m sure, though I’m afraid to see which characters will die! πŸ™ˆ

My sweet girl, Sky (2006-2018)

So today, I’m just catching up on errands, playing with my daughter, planning an Easter Egg hunt party, drowning myself in tunes on my Spotify app (currently listening to the new Billy Eilish album). I might even borrow my son’s Nintendo Switch and play some Tetris 99 or Splatoon 2πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ What I really need is a deep tissue massage in my upper back – hopefully soon.

Have a wonderful day and Happy Reading!😘