Monthly Wrap Up | December 2019

Wrapping up December – I can hardly believe it! Well…what can I say about my blogging? I started my blog at the end of March 2019, and I read a whole lot of books to help build this blog. November and December kind of got me into a slump. Well not a slump, per say, but I felt like my health just went down hill in these last two months, with the flu really kicking my butt in the beginning of December. I’m still trying to get back to pre flu energy levels.

I didn’t read a lot and some of the books I did read are arcs being published in 2020. I’m including them in this list, just because. So here is what I read in December:

I will say I was more in a contemporary genre reading mood than fantasy. Trying to get back into the fantasy mode, since I have a few NetGalley arcs I need to finish up.

I hope all of you had a good reading month! And let’s hope for some good releases in 2020. 🎊

What I’m Watching, What I’m Reading

Aloha everyone! Are we already at the end of May? My son’s last day of Kindergarten is on Friday and time just keeps moving on, quickly.

May was a crazy month filled with celebrations, reading, watching Game of Thrones, sinus and vertigo issues, teething issues for my baby girl and planning for summer activities for the kids.

Speaking of Game of Thrones…

I was one of the people not disappointed in the ending because I had picked Bran to rule. Not because I like him or anything, I’ve always been House Stark from Season 1 because I loved Ned Stark and at the time my husky named, Sky (who I miss dearly) was like 4 years old when this show came out and she was my “dire wolf”. I almost named my unborn daughter Arya (until she started taking faces in the show πŸ˜‚) – I had a feeling my daughter (who was in my womb during season 7) was going to have a sweeter disposition, she hardly kicked me. Anyway I picked Bran because he seemed like the mostly likely “twist” in the story. I made my pick of Bran after S.8 Ep. 2 where he actually says something that made me think…A LOT. So in one week before the finale, I binged 70+ episodes. Yes. CRAZY, I know! I did skip a lot of the High Sparrow and Ramsay episodes because I hate Ramsay with a passion. The High Sparrow was mostly about Cersei and I didn’t think she’d end up staying on the throne. My kids were humming the theme song by the end of the week and my head was spinning with theories. I wanted to focus on Dany and Bran. But Bran’s story was making light bulbs go off in my head from season 1! Amazing show, thank you to the cast and crew for helping me escape every Sunday for eight seasons! It helped me get through some hard parenting days, that’s for sure! ❀️

Since GoT is over, I’ve binged on Sweetbitter on STARZ and now The Spanish Princess. I’m waiting for Big Little Lies on HBO and eventually Stranger Things on Netflix. I also have to catch up on A Discovery of Witches.

I’m really enjoying all these book to tv series adaptations! Give me more!

What I’m Reading…

And what have I been reading? Or trying to read…some of these books I borrowed I’m not in the “mood” to read yet. Are you a mood reader? Or can you jump into any book? I’m a little bit of both but mostly a mood reader.

Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler – because I watched the show on STARZ, I might as well read the book too. πŸ“Ί

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco – because she’s filipino and I am too! Gotta support my people. ❀️

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody & Joanne Rendell – because I keep seeing it everywhere and that cover, plus a sci-fi Les Mis retelling? I’m getting through this slowly. πŸ“–

On The Come Up by Angie Thomas – because I hear it’s really good and I liked The Hate U Give. ❀️

Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta & Cori McCarthy – because of the cover and King Arthur modern retelling but seriously wasn’t in the mood to continue last week. But I will finish it and review it. πŸ‘‘

Enchantee by Gita Trelease – because I heard good things and check out that cover. 😍

LitJoy Crate

I got my first book crate! I love seeing them being posted on instagram and I finally took a look at a few sites and bought the May crate from LitJoy Crate. And it’s a beauty!

I’m in love with all the bookish items: the pot holders, the envelopes and that pillow case of Cardan (from Holly Black’s The Cruel Prince) on it. 😍 All the items are gorgeous, I don’t even want to use them. I just want to look at them and keep it in the box. πŸ˜‚

And the book it came with is Nocturna by Maya Motayne. What a cover – it is so vibrant and beautiful 🧑. I shall be reading this book very soon and doing a review of it. I’m trying to decide which book crate I’ll purchase next. I’d like to try a few others like Owl Crate but we shall see.

I hope all of you have had an awesome month! What are you watching or reading now? And do you subscribe to book crates? If so, any you want to recommend? Happy reading! 😘