Weekly Wrap Up | 3/14/22

Aloha friends!

Well you think I would get a break but of course not…we had a toilet leak from an upstairs bathroom and thank god my dad works in construction and knew how to fix the leak. It got fixed…or so we thought and then it leaked again the next day. So we had to wait a few days before he could come out to look at it again. Finally on Saturday he fixed the leak but it involved buying a new toilet. It was tiring, toilets are heavy 😖 but I’m so grateful for my dad for helping us out! Honestly that leak took over my week and I was about to have my period too so it was an exhausted week. My son is on spring break right now so I hope I get a little bit of time to read this week.

How was your week? Hope all of you are staying safe! Have a fabulous week!

Blog Posts This Week:

Books I Read:

Currently Reading:

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched:

  • The news…☹️

Games I’ve Played:

  • My Singing Monsters
  • Wordle
  • Animal Crossing – Pocket Camp

How was your week? Did you get a lot done? Watch anything good? Read any amazing books or books you didn’t finish? What are you reading?…Leave me a comment below!

💖 ~ Yolanda

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