Book Haul | 3/12/22

I am still on a physical book buying ban lol…it’s been good for my wallet at least! Anything I’m buying are ebooks and usually ones that are on sale. So most books I’m reading lately are from NetGalley or Kindle Unlimited. This is my haul for March:



So for these Kindle Unlimited titles – we shall see if I actually get to read them on time. These are more of mood read books and sometimes I’m in the mood and times I’m not. It’s just up in the air and I don’t feel any pressure to finish them like I do my NetGalley books.

I’ve been reading slow this year! It’s okay though. I wish I could buy some new releases but I have a family trip coming up in June that I have to save money for. So hopefully I can get these new releases at the library!

~ Yolanda

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